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Whether you’re recovering from a late night or just love sleeping in, brunch is the perfect vacation meal to enjoy before heading out on a busy day of exploration. And St. Augustine, Florida has no shortage of amazing brunch places to enjoy with your travel companions. From house-made pimento cheese and crab Eggs Benedict to waffles and datil sausage, you can find the best brunch in St. Augustine to satisfy everyone in your party.

Buena Onda

This family-run cafe has the motto of “Good food and good vibes,” and their food never disappoints. Buena Onda is a vegan and vegetarian-friendly dining option that serves both breakfast and lunch items from scratch. Some of their staple items are on their drink menu such as plant powered lattes and their ginger mint lemonade. It’s located on West King Street, which is an area close to downtown, and breakfast is served all day from 8am to 3pm while lunch is served from 11am to 3pm. The cafe is open every day except for Sundays and Mondays. Feel the positive vibes when you come to dine!

Sunday Gathering Table 

Known specifically for their sourdough, Sunday Gathering Table is open for both breakfast and lunch from 8:30am to 3pm every day except Mondays. The atmosphere is light and airy, with greenery encircling the restaurant. There is seating both indoors and outdoors, and when walking into the restaurant, you feel as if you are dining in a small cafe in Europe. On their menu, they have toast, egg specialties, salads, and sandwiches. Ingredients in their menu are unique and they use avocado, goat cheese, pickles, cilantro, and cured lemon to add flare to each dish. Sunday Gathering Table is located right next to downtown, and in the area, there are many boutiques and antique stores to explore before or after your meal. 


Blue Hen Cafe 

The Blue Hen Cafe is the Southern comfort brunch of your dreams. They serve everything from fried green tomatoes to sausage and gravy biscuits and everything in between. It is open from 8am to 2pm every day except for Mondays. Full breakfast is offered from 8am to 11 am with lunch and limited breakfast after 11am. The breakfast menu boasts everything pumpkin pancakes and omelets of all kinds to breakfast sandwiches, burritos and biscuits. They make their own peach butter in-house, which will truly butter your biscuit like never before. For lunch they serve sandwiches, tacos, shrimp ‘N grits and burritos. Located in Lincolnville, a neighborhood in downtown St. Augustine, Florida, Blue Hen is a favorite amongst locals and college students.


Juniper Market

Enjoy Juniper Market with its food that is fresh, seasonal and scratch-made. This place is great for a sit-down meal or grab and go to enjoy as you are walking around the historic St. Augustine area. Favorites on the menu include their chicken salad sandwich, avocado toast, Havarti and fig grilled cheese, as well as their quiche with roasted tomatoes, scallions and goat cheese. Their coffees and teas are also excellent such as the magic coffee, goji berry lemonade, and their chai latte. They also have house-made syrups like lavender, vanilla, chocolate and salted caramel that can be added to any coffee or tea. 

Stay Awhile

Whichever brunch spot you choose to dine at in St. Augustine, Florida, rest your head at The Local – St. Augustine! Located on Anastasia Island, conveniently between downtown and St. Augustine Beach, our newly-renovated rooms and comfortable amenities are waiting to greet you after a busy day. 

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