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Frequently Asked Questions at The Local – St. Augustine

Here are some frequently asked questions you may have about staying at The Local – St. Augustine. Need anything else? Let us know by emailing us at, we are happy to assist!

We offer convenient on-site parking, one car per room, but please do keep in mind that parking is at your own risk. Should you have more than 1 vehicle with you, don’t give it a second thought, you can utilize the free public parking on the side street (Comares St.). To keep your experience worry-free, we suggest locking up your car and tucking away any valuables. While we can’t be responsible for any surprises that might come up, our team is always here to lend a hand if you need anything. 


Thanks for choosing to stay with us—where staying local feels like coming home!

You have a few options when it comes to getting to the Amp from The Local – St.

  • On-Site Parking at The Amp: On-site parking is very limited and sells out quickly. Parking passes may be pre-purchased for each event at the Box Office or online via The on-site parking lot opens two (2) hours prior to gates opening on event days.
  • Shuttle Services: You could walk to the pickup or drive. It’s about a 2-minute drive or a 13-minute walk. The Amp provides free satellite parking and shuttle service at the R.B. Hunt Elementary School Soccer Field. Shuttle service begins one hour (60 minutes) before gate time and runs for up to one hour (60 minutes) after the event ends. Each satellite parking area is located within one mile of the venue and patrolled by security throughout the evening. Address to put in your GPS: R.B. Hunt Elementary School Field, 190 Red Cox Dr. Amphitheatre Shuttle Drop-Off St. Augustine Amphitheatre, 1340C A1A South.
  • Rideshare: Ubers & Lyfts are easy to come by when heading to the amp from The Local, it might be a bit of a wait on the way back.
  • Walking: It’s about a 30-minute walk to the Amp from The Local, you can grab dinner on your way at Gypsy Cab (Open 7 Days a week) or Sogno Italian (closed on Monday).


Check out the whole process here.

Yes, you can purchase gift cards for family and friends here:

No, but there is a laundromat just down the road – Lighthouse Laundry.

Please click here to see our pet policy.

Check out our Explore Page with all of the exciting, historic, and beautiful things to explore.

Yes, it is about a 20-minute walk. The Amphitheater is 1.4 miles away. You can also hop on one of the bike rentals (coming soon) stationed at the hotel.

Downtown is approximately 1.1 miles downtown. If you decide to drive, check out this parking guide. You can also hop on one of the bike rentals (coming soon) stationed at the hotel.

Your cellphone powers the whole stay, from check-in to check-out and everything in between. Therefore, don’t expect to see bulky phones or alarm clocks in the rooms like you would at a traditional hotel.

Yes, there is a safe in the room.

Check out our Digital Experience Page for everything you need to know about our contactless digital experience.

No smoking is permitted anywhere on the hotel grounds – including the pool area.

Visit our accommodations & amenities page to learn more about all we have to offer our guests.

Of course, yes, we have free individual high-speed Wi-Fi in each room.

The customer has to be at least 21 years old to check-in, our app will ask to scan your ID to verify.

Check out our Digital Experience page to find out more about our contactless, convenient check-in process.

Check-in begins at 3:00 PM. Check-out is at 11:00 AM.

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