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Though it is mostly known for its rich downtown history, St. Augustine, Florida, holds a captivating coastal charm with some of the best beaches along Florida’s east coast. From the tranquil shores of Anastasia State Park to the vibrant atmosphere of St. Augustine Beach, each beach in the area offers its unique allure, making St. Augustine a beloved destination for beachgoers and nature enthusiasts alike. 

So whether you seek relaxation, adventure, or simply a breathtaking seaside escape, we’ve put together a list of our favorite St. Augustine beaches to visit during your next North Florida escape.

St Augustine Beach Pier

Anastasia State Park Beach

Nestled along the Atlantic coast in St. Augustine, Florida you’ll find Anastasia State Park Beach. Known for its untouched natural beauty, this beach offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of historic downtown life. The beach itself is bordered by towering dunes adorned with native vegetation, creating a picturesque backdrop for sunrises. 

Although the dunes not only add to the aesthetic appeal but also serve as crucial habitats for various plant and animal species, contributing to the area’s ecological diversity. For those seeking a nature-filled experience, Anastasia State Park is the perfect spot with activities such as swimming, sunbathing, birdwatching, and nature trails, there’s sure to be something for every family member. 

St. Augustine Beach

Step into the lively atmosphere and vibrant beach life with a visit to St. Augustine BeachThe miles of wide sandy shores make the perfect landscape for sunbathing and beach games. By the pier, you’ll find dozens of water sports lovers soaking in the waves with surfing, paddleboarding, and kiteboarding.

After a long day spent on the sandy shores or in the salty water,  A1A offers a variety of restaurants, ice cream shops, and beachside dives for a nice pick-me-up. Don’t forget to visit one of the local surf shops for a souvenir!

Vilano Beach

Situated just north of historic St. Augustine, Florida, Vilano Beach offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Known for its laid-back charm and pristine white sands that stretch for miles along the Atlantic coastline, Vilano Beach instantly captivates visitors with its relaxed vibe and stunning natural beauty.

But it’s not just the beach that makes Vilano special. The surrounding area is dotted with charming beach cottages, cozy cafes, and locally-owned shops, adding to its quaint coastal allure. Take a leisurely bike ride along the Vilano Beach Pier or explore the nearby nature trails and an array of fishing opportunities to immerse yourself in the area’s natural splendor.

Crescent Beach

Named for its distinctive crescent-shaped shoreline, Crescent Beach boasts powdery white sands that stretch for miles, providing the perfect setting for strolls or basking in the warm Florida sun. But it’s not just the beach itself that enchants visitors; it’s the untouched natural beauty that flourishes here.

Its coquina rock formations and shell collecting opportunities, complement the pristine dunes, lush marshlands, and crystal-clear waters, making it a haven for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts alike. Whether you’re exploring the coastline on foot, paddleboarding through the estuaries, or simply soaking up the sun on the beach, Crescent Beach offers endless opportunities for adventure and relaxation amidst its unique natural beauty.

One of the most unique features of Crescent Beach is the opportunity to drive on the beach. With a permit, visitors can access designated areas of the beach by vehicle, making it easy to transport beach gear and enjoy a picnic right by the water’s edge. Just be sure to follow local regulations and drive responsibly to protect the natural environment!

Ponte Vedra Beach

Ponte Vedra Beach epitomizes luxury and sophistication, offering an upscale atmosphere that attracts discerning travelers from around the world. One of the defining features of Ponte Vedra Beach is its collection of luxury resorts, each offering unparalleled amenities and impeccable service. From elegant oceanfront accommodations to lavish spa facilities and gourmet dining options, these resorts set the standard for luxury hospitality in the region.

The centerpiece of Ponte Vedra Beach’s luxury scene is The Ponte Vedra Inn & Club, a historic resort that has been welcoming guests since 1928. Nestled along the Atlantic coastline, this iconic property boasts luxurious rooms and suites, championship golf courses, a world-class spa, and a wide range of recreational activities for guests of all ages.

Retro motel st. augustine

Stay Local

St. Augustine is blessed with a diverse range of beaches, each offering its distinct character, attractions, and ambiance. While soaking in the diverse coastal hotspots of St. Augustine’s shores, be sure to end your day at The Local – St. Augustine where you can relax and recharge after a long day of exploration.

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