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If you’re a Florida native, seeing the heat index rise over 100° may be no surprise. But, if you’re vacationing in the Sunshine State, you may be surprised to learn that sweltering heat and rising temperatures make some outdoor activities less desirable. If you’re looking to enjoy your St. Augustine vacation these summer months, don’t fret! There are plenty of indoor activities and water sports to help you stay busy and cool when the temperatures rise. 

Settle in at the IMAX Theatre 

Is there anything more nostalgic than a trip to the movie theater? On hot summer days, nothing beats cold refreshments and a big screen. Head over to World Golf Village and settle in for a movie on the big screen at their IMAX Theater. With showtimes of movies both old and new, you’re sure to have one that the whole family will enjoy. Grab a bucket of popcorn, kick back and relax as you enjoy the cool AC and entertainment. There’s nothing better.


Take a Stroll Through the Villa Zorayda Museum 

If there’s one thing the Ancient City is known for, it’s history. It should come as no surprise that one of the best ways to beat the heat this summer is with a trip to one of the city’s many museums. One of the best indoor activities in St. Augustine, the Villa Zorayda Museum offers a one-of-a-kind experience to wander through a Gilded Age masterpiece from the 1800s and explore its diverse collection of antiques, seventeenth-century furniture, oriental rugs and more. 


Swim with Dolphins at Marineland 

When the heat becomes just a bit too much, there’s nothing better than a refreshing swim. And the only thing better than swimming by yourself is swimming with dolphins. Head over to Marineland Dolphin Adventure and explore the “world’s first oceanarium” as you learn, interact and swim with dolphins. The Dolphin Swim Adventure invites you to interact with these magnificent creatures in a whole new way. Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind experience!


Relax on Cruisin’ Tikis 

When the temperature starts to rise, St. Augustine water activities come to the rescue! Enjoy a day spent out on the water and under the shade with Cruisin’ Tikis. Enjoy a relaxing cruise with friends and family as you explore some of the city’s finest views from the water. Guests are invited to bring their favorite food and beverages to enjoy as you cruise the waterways and maybe even make some aquatic friends along the way.


Take Flight with St. Augustine Parasail 

If you’re looking for one of the ultimate water activities in St. Augustines, there’s nothing better than an exhilarating ride with St. Augustine Parasail. You won’t even remember how hot it is outside once you feel the wind in your hair and water beneath your feet. Explore St. Augustine from the air and create memories that last a lifetime on your visit to the Ancient City. This unique experience offers up views of the downtown area, Anastasia Island and Vilano Beach.


Cool Off at The Local!

When all else fails, there’s no better way to cool off than with a relaxing stay at The Local – St. Augustine. Our rooms are ready and waiting for you to kick back and relax in the cool AC and our pool provides the perfect occasion to make a splash in the summer heat. So, what are you waiting for? Reserve a room today! 

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