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Summertime, and the living is easy here in St. Augustine Florida. With sun on your skin, salt in your hair, and the charm of the town surrounding you, it’s the perfect place for a summer getaway. Whether it is for a weekend or longer, here are some fun options to feel the summer vibes in St. Augustine. 

Water Activities

Photo Credit – Salty Sistahs Surf School


Salty Sistahs Surf School

Salty Sistahs Surf School is a women-owned and operated business that offers surf lessons to a variety of different age groups. The owner, Beth Masters, is passionate about surfing and will show you a fun time on the water. Beth’s positive attitude and energy encourages novice surfers to keep getting back on their board and chase the perfect wave. The Salty Sistahs have a variety of options for surfing and gaining experience. One of the programs they offer is “Yoga then Surf.” This two-hour session begins with a yoga warmup, followed by surfing. A great way to spend time on vacation, getting together with friends or starting off your day. Yoga and Surf happens once a month and the schedule is available on their website. Another option is learning to surf in individual or group sessions. Individual sessions include one-on-one instruction, a surfboard, leash and wax. Group sessions are geared for those with some surfing experience wanting a small amount of instruction. These sessions are BYOB (bring your own board) where you can surf among other enthusiasts. All prices are marked on their website. Make sure to check out Salty Sistahs Surf School to learn how to surf by instructors with experience and fun!

Kayaking St. Augustine

Kayaking St. Augustine, has a variety of different methods to explore the historic town and the marine life that comes with it. The “Downtown Bayfront History Tour” is a great way to explore without the crowds of tourists. Enjoy the fusion of history and the environment as you paddle alongside the Castillo de San Marcos (Old Fort), Fountain of Youth, Nombre de Dios Mission and the landing spot of the Spaniards in the year 1565. On the tour, there are possibilities to see marine life such as dolphins, manatees, sea turtles and many marsh birds including roseate spoonbills. This tour, however, is for the more experienced kayaker due to wind speeds and boat traffic. Another possibility for a kayak experience is the “Beauty Below the Lighthouse Tour,” which begins at the St. Augustine Lighthouse Park and travels to the Anastasia State Park where you can see wildlife such as stingrays and manatees.

Restaurants to Try 

Stir It Up

Little darlin’ stir it up! Located right next to the beach, Stir It Up is nestled on famous A Street. It’s the place to enjoy lunch in the sun while swinging in hammock chairs or the perfect way to grab-n-go and eat out on the beach with your toes in the sand. Originally a house, the restaurant’s owner turned this famous spot into a welcoming place for surfers to come and eat. This is the spot to meet the locals and people watch. The staff’s motto is “positive food in a positive place.” Stir It Up offers the perfect summer foods ranging from sandwiches, burritos, quesadillas, salads, smoothies and breakfast until noon. Each meal is incredibly fresh with a zest of flavor. The menu is as unique as the atmosphere. The good vibes of this restaurant pay homage to the essence of Bob Marley. Become a true local when you dine at Stir It Up.

Osprey Tacos 

Photo Credit: Osprey Tacos

The good vibes keep flowing with Osprey Tacos, a laid back taqueria on A1A street. It is located right next to Old Coast Ales, so enjoy a beer while waiting for your order. Osprey has a vision for the tacos that they create. They see the tortilla as a vessel for delivering greatness. Each bite makes you want more. Their chefs use ingredients that are the best to the North Florida with dishes containing local fresh ingredients. Though a taqueria, there is a twist to their menu. Many of their tacos include the heart of what St. Augustine, Florida is such as their fresh catch tacos that change seasonally. The owners are a husband-and-wife team that have a passion for food and encompass the truth culture of St. Augustine. 

Stay Awhile 

Whichever summer activities you choose to explore St. Augustine, Florida, rest your head at The Local – St. Augustine! Located on Anastasia Island, conveniently situated between historic downtown and St. Augustine Beach. After a long day in the sun and experiencing St. Augustine culture, the local will be waiting with its comfortable rooms and amenities. Make sure to check them out when you are here for summer!

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